Mrs India

+91 9653197218



Both will be conducted in Mumbai.

You need to pay the fee within 24 hours of filling up the form.

Simply fill up the online registration form on our website. Once you submit the form you will receive an automated email from us asking you to pay registration fee of Rs. 1500/. Once you make the payment your registration will be complete

Once your registration is complete you will receive an email regarding your audition details along with dates on your registered email ID.

No. It is not mandatory. You may speak in any preferred language like English/Hindi/Punjabi/Marathi/Bengali etc. There are no scores for language.

Audition is your personal round of interview with the Jury panel. You need to walk the ramp, introduce yourself and answer the questions asked by the Jury. You will be assessed on your personality, confidence and questions answered

No. Every transaction has to be recorded for your safety and ours. Hence, cash payments are not accepted.